Sunday, December 17, 2006

Cookie Cutter Non-Conformists

I found a video recently on YouTube. Someone has taken a song by Hollywood Undead, entitled I Must Be Emo, and put it to a series of pictures. If you haven't seen it. Here's a copy of it someone's posted

I just don't understand what the allure is to some folks. They try and try to be "Different", and they do it by doing what all the other "Different" kids do. Don't they realize that they're just following the rest of the flock? America is full of sheeple now. Blindly doing what everybody else does, saying what everybody else says, without stopping to form an opinion of their own.

"Emo" Really? You're so emotional that your emotions aren't enough? You now have to let everybody know how emotional you are by butchering your hair, and wearing women's pants? Are you sure that music makes you cry because it touches you? It makes ME cry because it's so bad!

"Goth" Really? Do you even know what that means? How the hell did this survive past Beetlejuice?

"Look at me, I wear black clothes."
"...and eyeliner"
Oooooh, you're a badass!
"...and nail polish!"
Yeah, you and all the other kids who are trying to be "Different".

"Punk" Really? Please! This shoulda gone out of style BEFORE Beetlejuice. You really think the Mohawk is gonna tell the world how out of control you are? How amazingly original you are? Too bad your uncle already did that. No really, he's even got a picture of it on his desk at work.

Just skip the charade and get a job. No, you're not a troubled artist who's gonna make it big. Everybody who was going to pull that off with a pink Mohawk already did it back before you were born.

"Nerd" Really? This used to be something kids tried to avoid. Sure there will always be the Geeks and Nerds who never could figure out any social skills. But why would you TRY to be a loser? Geez this world needs help.

"Wigger" You've got to be f***ing kidding me! Okay so everybody else tries to be something they're not. Why not go there, right? You can just pretend not to understand Grammar, Syntax, or hell, even the basic English language. You're so "Hip" you not only can't spell, you can't even f***ing talk! Phonetics are for republicans right? Awesome! You've really pulled something off.

Now that you've lost all of your basic communication skills, buy all baby blue clothing at least 5 sizes too large, and put some women's underwear on your head. Oh boy, now you're something!

What's so wrong with being normal? Most of these kids who are trying so hard to be something they're most certainly not, actually have pretty decent lives. Two parent homes, upper middle class income, nice houses, decent cars. So why is it so uncool to be happy with that? Is it possible for a charmed life to be too good? Apparently so. I suppose the mind is wired to be ready to deal with adversity, and when it doesn't come. Some people just have to get out there and create it!

"Life's too easy, what can I do to make it harder? How can I pretend to have problems? My folks have just come too far, I need to find a way to slide down the food chain a couple of links." Is that it?

Or are they just so afraid of being "Normal", because everybody else is so abnormal, that they'll never have full lives otherwise? Or maybe they've tried being "normal" and didn't like going by unnoticed. Their parents aren't paying enough attention to them. So to get attention, they're going to have to go against the flow.

"But how to go against the flow? This is new to me? ...Wait! Little Timmy gets noticed by HIS parents, what could it be? His hair? His clothes? His makeup? Yes! That's it! I'll do what little Timmy does and THEN I'll get noticed. THEN, and only then, will I have an identity all my own. My very own personality, that will make folks say "That kid, he's a special kid, he's not like all the others". That's what they say about Timmy!"

It doesn't take long before you have every kid in the neighborhood dressing and acting like every other kid in the neighborhood. In their pathetic attempt to be "Different" they all become the same.

And so ushers in the next generation of "Cookie Cutter Non-Conformists".

NOTE: Due to the sensibilities of one Jeffrey Petersuck, I have edited my blog to be more "Family Friendly"


  1. That shit is funny. Very well put for such a moron. Too bad if you actually had an education you might could go somewhere with your writing. Unfortunately Time Magazine isnt looking for people with tire installation experience. You sir need to either kill yourself to put us all out of your misery or get a degree. Im sure you would fit into the BYU Marriage and Family Major nicely. You could sew your own dresses, Bitch

  2. So I checked your profile.....
    I was hoping for some good nude pics but instead I found out that indeed you are a woman. I mean I knew your penis was small but not that small.

  3. Listen pollyanna. I never asked you to clean up your own blog, just merely asked for no profanity or vulgar comments on mine due to the fact that family will be reading it. If you weren't so white trash you would do the same for your family. But then again you dont have to worry about them reading yours because 1) they probably cant read 2) they probably dont get the internet in the mental ward. homo

  4. wow, this blog sucks. Not only is it not even nearly as cool as "Consider This" but you have a job where you do nothing all night and 2 articles in 2 months is the best you can do.
